Monday, March 28, 2011


Sugars are a tough one. There are a lot of natural sugars in a lot of things. I know everyone is trying to figure it out (myself included).

Candy and Cookies are obviously out, but what about everything else?

My personal feeling is the whole purpose of this challenge is to replace bad habits with good ones. So if it is something sweet you crave, you need to train your body to accept fruit in place of something artificial. So go out and get some apples or grapes, or blackberries (on sale @ Fry’s). And when you think you need something sweet, go for that! Because what are you going to do when the challenge is over? The point is to retrain your body to enjoy healthier alternatives.

Also, check the ingredients. If sugar comes up in the first few items, that's a red flag. Make conscious and wise decisions and check your labels when in doubt. Try to take the time to learn more about the things you are putting in your body.

It is nearly impossible to eleiminate all sugars, but you can try to aviod it as much as possible, so if something good for you has a few grams of natural sugar it is probably ok.

so some good substitutes would be FRUIT, FRUIT, FRUIT, honey (sparingly), agave, stevia (both very strong natual sweeteners-just a tiny bit will work), and it you must..... sugar free treats.

Sometimes you just need something. I have tried to cut out sugar before (and I could live on a diet of cake, ice cream and cookies). It was tough but sometimes some sugar-free jello (with a dollop of sugar free Cool Whip) every night for dessert kept me sane and SAFE.

And by the way, has anyone had the Extra Dessert Delights Sugar-Free gum? There are a few different flavors out there, and I recently tried Key Lime Pie. Not the same as the real thing, but yummy.



Well said Rachele. You are da best! I voted on the other two items as well. :-)

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