Monday, April 11, 2011

Keep It Up!

So it’s the start of Week 3! I know all of you are doing a great job. You all had great personal goals (being a better wife and mother, writing in my journal, quitting soda, etc.) I am feeling much better now that my headaches are gone (for the most part). I am still mad at myself for getting so addicted in the first place. If you fell a little behind last week on points, I am in the same boat. It is hard to get all your points when life gets crazy, but hang in there. I know that I am finding myself making better choices, and many of the cravings that I thought I couldn’t live without are getting less important. I have been asked who are the players, and what are we all playing for. So here is the list of those I have marked as paid.

Adele Heslington
Danjee Moser
Emily Welchman
Jessica Norton
Jessica Slade
Kirk McLaws
Laree Kilgore
Tiffany Moser

If I am missing anyone, please let me know. I know that some are playing without $, that is cool too. So the grand prize would be 80% or $144 and second place (randomly drawn from those over 300 points) would be 20% or $36. Send in your numbers for weeks 1 and 2, I can keep track and post them.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Week One (from Adele) *post edit*

I must admit,  sugar is defiantly one of my weaknesses.  That means that I have not gone at least 3 hours without having some.   Let me describe some for you, I would make a batch of cookies and eat the entire batch.  To say the least I had a rough few days.   But by the end of I really started to notice a difference.  Especially after my cheat day,  I could tell what I put in my body really translates into how I am feeling.   So today it felt great to be back to no sugar, and white flour, but am having a huge craving.  I found this recipe for blueberry muffins and its made with whole wheat flour and honey.   They are actually in the oven as I type this, so I am not sure how good they really are, but I thought I would share. 

2 eggs
1 cup milk
1/2 cup canola oil
3 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup honey
4 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
2 cups blueberries

*Beat eggs.  Stir in milk and oil.  Mix in remaining ingredients, except blueberries, until moist.  Add blueberries and mix.  Fill muffin cups 2/3 full and bake for 20 minutes at 400 degrees.  Makes 24 muffins.

I got it off of

* Muffins weren't bad,  Very heavy though, so they will stick to your ribs for the most part of the morning.  They remind me very much of a bran muffin, with blueberries.   I probably would make them again.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Challenge (From Tiff's Perspective) :-)

Okay, I am so proud to have this first week under my belt.  Now that I have this little calendar and plan for a "better" me,  I just keep thinking, "I need to live this way for the rest of my life."  Don't get me wrong, it has been difficult.  Before, I was not getting even close to eight hours of sleep. This last week I have had to totally go out of my way to get those eight hours in.  Also, I decided to quit all caffienated sodas as my personal challenge.  I had to take an advil again even today for the headache!!!!  My cheat day tomorrow has kept me motivated.....seriously, but really, why couldn't I live this way all the time?  I have to admit, I feel GREAT (besides the caffiene headache).  I can totally tell a difference.  I am excited to see what the next five weeks will bring. :-)

Report from Day 1

From Jessica:
Rachele this is my report for the first day... feel free to post it on the blog. Love the blog already by the way!

After my first day, I am in awe. I tend to let good habits slip away and I tend to not even realize I am doing it!

I am in awe that the human body is so resilient. That I have literally gone days without drinking water or eating anything nutritious and I still function... even function well.

Weight gain? Yes. Fatigue? Sure. Irritability and a host of other problems? Absolutely.

But I get out of bed, clean my house, play with my kids, eat, laugh, love, and all of it essentially running on empty.

But I went on a walk with Jennie tonight and we talked about what it means to be a good woman. We discussed possible pitfalls in her near adolescent future.

While we got our heart rates up, we also opened up to each other more than we have in a long time. And it opened my eyes to the haze I have been in. The survival mode I have surrendered to.

I am loving this challenge and am surprised how hard it was today. I got 8 points, on my first day. You would think I would get all 10.

So here is my report for the first day of the next six weeks of my life.

Thanks Jessica, You are awesome!